Thursday, September 6, 2018

New Jersey Most Famous Places in New Jersey USA

New Jersey USA state Most Famous Place

Most Famous Places in New Jersey USA

New Jersey is a northeastern U.S. state with some 130 miles of Atlantic coast. Jersey City, across the Hudson River from Lower Manhattan, is the site of Liberty State Park, 
New Jersey USA state Most Famous Place
Pitcher of New Jersey USA
 Pitcher of New Jersey USA 

New Jersey USA state Most Famous Place

Pitcher of New Jersey USA 

New Jersey USA state Most Famous Place

"Bluff Dweller" Indians were the first residents of the area. Later, the Osage, a branch of the Sioux, was the main tribe. One of their larger villages is thought to have been to the east of the present site of Harrison.Pitcher of New Jersey USA
Cherokee Indians arrived around 1816 but did not get along with the Osage. This hostility erupted into a full scale Indian war in the Ozark Mountains. By the 1830s both tribes were removed to Oklahoma.
Some historians contend that the first white men to visit the area were followers of Hernando De Sota. It is more probable that the first white men were French hunters or trappers.Pitcher of New Jersey USA
Harrison was named for Union General M. LaRue Harrison, who surveyed the town site. It is also said that Jesse James and his brother Frank once used the area as a hideout.Most Famous Places in New Jersey USA Pitcher of New Jersey USA

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