Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

Green Team Gazette: Park Quest #7 ~ Tuc

Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

Okay, maybe not the last one...though we did break into the "Gilligan's Island" Theme song (much to my children's chagrin) our 2.5 hour canoe trip for Park Quest #7 up the Tuckahoe Creek in Maryland's State Park by the same name. The water lilies and winding creek were gorgeous with the sun coming through the trees as we answered nature questions while paddling up with the kids sitting on life vests in the middle of the canoe. Only a few near-tippings, but we all stayed dry, and I got a nice arm workout row, row, rowing my boat, gently down the stream.Most Famous Places in Maryland USA

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